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When we lose the labels,
we're all the same.

Why do we as humans limit ourselves when data and history show how limitless we really are?

When we see past labels,
We are all the same!
see past the labels
see past the labels
see past the labels
see past the labels
see past the labels
see past the labels
see past the labels
see past the labels
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined
Workforce development redefined

The I'm Human

In a world where humanity is under attack, 'I'm Human' is our response to the darkness seeping into our corporate environments. We're here to shine the light because without it, darkness prevails. 'I'm Human' is strategically tailored for workforce development, specifically designed to bring team members closer together, resulting in heightened productivity and individuals fueled with purpose and passion. Our end goal is to transform your teams into better contributors to the world, while simultaneously increasing your bottom line. Through shared stories, values, goals, and a collective shift in mindset, we dissolve the illusion of separation, making personal development a vital bridge to creating a thriving work environment

Mindset Shift
Mindset Shift
Mindset Shift
Mindset Shift
Human potential training

maslow flipped

The I'm Human Project redefines the status quo with a disruptive approach to human potential. We challenge conventional wisdom by flipping Maslow's hierarchy of needs on its head. Through immersive training, we promote social harmony and drive corporate growth by investing in individual team members. This approach results in the creation of cohesive, high-performing corporate teams, pushing them to achieve their highest potential and purpose.

Our groundbreaking curriculum combines success, leadership, and human potential principles to foster personal and professional growth, collaboration, and empowerment. Join us in unlocking your extraordinary potential, empowering your teams, and igniting a transformative movement!

A train passing through an above-ground urban subway station surrounded by tall buildings

I'm human is brinGing personal development to places and spaces it's never been before.


Awakening the

human spirit


Removing the Clay - Embrace Authenticity and Potential

Uncover your authentic self by shedding self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Embrace your unique potential and ignite a transformative journey toward personal excellence.


Aligning with Purpose and Passion As You Set Goals

Clarify your passions, set meaningful goals, and map out a purpose-driven path for personal and professional growth. Develop a roadmap to align your aspirations with your actions.


Events Happen, Your Response Matters - Cultivating Resilience

Discover the art of responding positively and effectively to challenges, thereby shaping outcomes in your favor. Learn how to take control of your narrative and propel yourself towards success.


Embrace a Growth Mindset

Unleash your limitless potential through the power of a growth mindset. Learn to transcend limitations, embrace abundance, and harness the neuroscience of success.


Cultivating excellence

and unity


Building your Mastermind for Collaborative Excellence

Uncover the power of teamwork and collaboration. Learn to build trust, nurture relationships, and create a cohesive team that drives collective success.


Fostering resilience

Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth. Cultivate unwavering resilience and learn to transform challenges into stepping stones to success.


Embracing Feedback - A Catalyst for Growth

Transform feedback into a powerful tool for personal evolution. Embrace constructive feedback as an essential component of your growth journey.


Nurturing Well-being for Empowerment

Prioritize self-care to enhance your leadership abilities. Discover stress management techniques and time-efficient strategies that lead to personal well-being and professional effectiveness.


Leading with Integrity

Uncover the values that drive you. Discover your authenticity, integrity, and shared values.

At I'm Human, we stand for the unity of humanity, believing in the power of togetherness. We promote respect for one another as fellow humans and reject division based on differing opinions. Together, we harness our collective strength and prove that unity is the ultimate source of power.


Half day workshops, full day workshops, speaking engagements, tailored individual courses, and customized plans for longer engagements.


  • DEU: Diversity, equity & UNITY
  • Improve productivity
  • Self-reliance
  • Team building & team energy
  • Leadership development
  • Boost employee engagement
  • Increase your bottom line
  • & infinitely more!


  • Enrich your relationships
  • Discover your purpose
  • Take your career to new heights
  • Goal setting
  • Make more money
  • Communicate effectively
  • Leadership skills
  • Join a likeminded community
  • & infinitely more!


We're fed up with schools shaping our children's minds with hidden agendas. It's time for a revolution! We're standing up, fighting for change through personal development training, raising awareness, and empowering young minds to think for themselves. Watch as academic achievement soars, social and emotional skills thrive, and behavioral problems diminish. It's a bold new era of education- and we're all over it!


  • Team building & team energy
  • Customized training programs
  • Communication
  • Sales generation
  • Personal development
  • Increased bottom line
  • & infinitely more!

Become an i'm human Insider


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